Please note that the MCNA Office will be closed on Feb 17 2025 for the STAT Louis Riel Holiday.
Representing the Weekly Community Newspapers in Manitoba Since 1919.
During COVID-19 - A message from MCNA:
Newspapers are more important now, than they ever have been! Getting vital information across to your area.
We can help you!
MCNA is taking an active role in shaping the recovery for businesses and organizations from COVID-19 by continuing to assist you in placing advertising in Manitoba and across Canada, as well as using our press release service to send out important press release/media advisories out to the public to keep them informed, updated and knowledgeable.
Our Association, 31 Member Community Newspapers & their Staff, Publishers, MCNA Staff will all be doing their part to keep operations as close to normal as possible during this time, as we are considered an extremely valuable and essential/critical service to Manitobans - especially now. Readers are depending on our newspapers more than ever.
We are thankful to our customers for continuing to get their messaging out to the public through us, and trusting us to do so. The over 368,000+ dedicated households/readers in Manitoba are relying on our Member Community Newspapers. More than ever, people will be at home and social distancing, and reading the paper for accurate, relevant and timely information.
Our Association, 31 Member Community Newspapers & their Staff, Publishers, MCNA Staff will all be doing their part to keep operations as close to normal as possible during this time, as we are considered an extremely valuable and essential/critical service to Manitobans - especially now. Readers are depending on our newspapers more than ever.
We are thankful to our customers for continuing to get their messaging out to the public through us, and trusting us to do so. The over 368,000+ dedicated households/readers in Manitoba are relying on our Member Community Newspapers. More than ever, people will be at home and social distancing, and reading the paper for accurate, relevant and timely information.
We have made some changes to safeguard the health of our staff and the public. We are limiting in person contact with the public currently, to limit exposures. We ask that customers not attend the office in person for the time being.
Deliveries or trades people attending for essential services will be required to wear a mask when attending the property in person.
You can continue to reach us by email and phone. You will find emails listed on the contact page. This is usually the best option.
At times we may be working from home (and not the office), and may not be present in person to attend any faxes. Please scan any items and send as a PDF by email instead.
Thank you.
2023 & 2024 will be the 104th & 105th Anniversary of the Better Newspapers Competition in Manitoba! Contact us right now to become a Sponsor of the BNC's! 204-947-1691