Press Releases / Media Advisory Service
If you have an Announcement, an Event that you would like everyone to know about, or if something has been cancelled, postponed, or there have been some changes in your business operations, a press release might be a great place to start with getting that messaging out. We promise to place the information in the right hands, however our member papers have full editorial control, and publish as they decide.
If you would like to guarantee that your message is published and seen by all of our 368,000+ homes in Manitoba, then perhaps you should consider a Classified Ad at this time, as Classified Ads are guaranteed to run in all of our member papers, once approved here in the office. If we can offer you a quote, please let us know.
Do you have a news release or media advisory that you would like our editors / publishers to see?
Reach the 31 Weekly Newspapers across Manitoba!
Manitoba Community Newspapers Association can deliver your press release to virtually all of Manitoba's weekly newspapers within hours of receiving your document.
Press/Media releases can be anything from:
Contest winners / Scholarship Winners
Upcoming events
Safety and health notices
Coming/current events -
(does NOT include regular Letters to the Editor, Advertisements or Advertorials - must be a newsworthy item)
- 2025 Cost / Fee $ 35.00 plus GST/HST per press release
- Requirements: The press release needs to be emailed as a text file, Word document or PDF
If you have any accompanying photos, please have them as separate attachments (jpeg) and not embedded into your document. Please ensure to include the date on your press release document itself, and the name of a Media Contact for interviews if possible, along with their contact information - such as email and phone number.
All releases are prepaid. We accept VISA / MC / Cheque in advance for processing.
- 2025 Cost / Fee $ 35.00 plus GST/HST per press release
While we cannot guarantee publication of your release, we do guarantee it will get into the right hands!
We also have Media monitoring available for $120.00 + GST/HST
We are able to book press releases in other provinces. To inquire about the cost or service, please contact the office, as prices and timelines do vary across the country.
For more information on this program or to email in a press release, contact the MCNA office at 204.947.1691 or email Sylvia A. - Manager of Member Services / Administrator / Classified Advertising Coordinator & Press Releases